Ramazan Begins Today

Ramazan (written in Turkish with a “z” not a “d”), begins today. It is a one month period of fasting and reflection. You’ll hear many different interpretations of this, the 9th month on the lunar calendar and I won’t offer you mine today – you can follow this link to learn more.

I am not a very religious person but I’ve been fasting every year for a long time. The reason I still do is because I feel the religion has been hijacked by extremists and fundamentalists. People’s perceptions are developed by witnessing actions not listening to words.

So, I fast to take the religon back. From the slanted media, the crazies in far off places, and in general those who are intolerant. Islam is a normal religion just like everyone else. Too bad it doesn’t seem like it anymore.

Why You Should Visit Granada, Spain

Plus it helps my abs. Eat that Lindsey Lohan!