4 Unlikely Travel Destinations In A Decade

A list of the top places that are too dangerous to visit now, but might not be in 10 years. All of these places hold great cultural artifacts and sites that are lost to the world due to war and fighting. Unlike other sources of economic revenue, the travel industry is actually helped by a weak local currency (more for your buck) and doesn’t require an infrastructure that nature and history don’t already provide. The main ingredient a travel industry needs to thrive is political stability which in turn provides local security and public transportation.

How To Travel

If you don’t think this list of countries are likely to become tourist attractions, think about Cuba, China, Jordan, and Dubai 10 years ago. In case you can’t wait for a decade to go by before you go on your next off-the-beaten-path check out these 8 places you shouldn’t be scared to visit right now. Using Seat 61 you can make a trip to almost any place a bit more rugged too.

Any suggestions for places that should be on this list? – I’d love to hear them 🙂