Airfares Do Not Go Up On The Weekends

Rick Seaney writes that either due to people’s perceptions of shopping cycles, flight patterns, or otherwise – there is a widespread myth that airfares go up during the weekend.

The airline’s “fares & pricing” group actually goes home on Fridays and usually comes back on Monday morning…I have been looking at the raw airfare data feeds for almost 4 years… and I can count on one hand the number of times anything of major consequence has happened on the weekend.”

Rick would know what he’s talking about, he founded our favorite best price grabber FareCompare. If you have time to wait, the best time to buy airplane tickets is Wednesday nights from midnight to 1 a.m. (in the home base of the airline). For US domestic flights, make use of FareCast to get guidance on buying now or a bit later.

There's Another Washington D.C. Space Museum 30 Miles Outside The City, Very Worth The Drive

[via Consumerist]