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Fredo and V Wedding Pictures

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Rate Books and Share with Friends: Shelfari

Shelfari users can share their ratings on books they have read or are reading and see what their friends are up to.

How Hard is it to Learn a New Language?

The difficulty of learning a new language depends on the intensity of instruction, previous language experience, and above all motivation.

New Word: Frenemy

The entire article takes the whole concept a bit too seriously, with experts weighing in on yet another useless-but-fun word (*cough cough* Brangelina) we don??t need in the English language.

Download Songs from iPods without iTunes

Having just installed a fresh copy of Vista, I ended up having my entire digital music collection left on my iPod. YamiPod is (free) and available for Mac, Windows, and Linux machines.

Miss South Carolina 2007: Why Can’t Most Americans Find the US On a Map??

New foXnoMad Merch Shop With May Profits Going To Yemen's Children