Urban Travel Legends You Should Believe

The Washington Post’s Joe Brancatelli attempts to debunk several travel myths such as Rule 240, and what information is stored on your hotel key card. The article offers background and an explanation of why dressing nicely won’t get you upgraded to first class, for example. Rather than toss each legend aside, I’d recommend believing each one and making them work to your advantage.

Urban Legend #1: Invoking Rule 240

Urban Legend #2: Dressing Nicely Will Get You A First Class Seat

Book Flights Using Miles To Protect Refunds Against Airline Cancellation Policies

Urban Legend #3: Your Credit Card Information Is On Your Hotel Key Card

The Simplest Way To Understand Schengen Visa Requirements

Urban Legend #4: Hotels Are Rarely Cleaned Well, Or Not Cleaned At All

Every legend has its roots in the truth and you shouldn’t believe that the laws of travel differ from those of real life. To get anywhere with (airline, hotel, etc.) staff you need to speak your mind and be firm. Make sure not to get angry and articulate yourself properly. Maintain your hygiene and worry about security where it matters.

Aside from these urban legends I’ve debunked 6 other travel myths. Heard of any other travel legends not mentioned? Let us know in the comments.