Semester Abroad: Drinking Ages Around The World

College students under 21 can begin planning their semester abroad trips based on the drinking ages around the world. While outside of the United States, the minimum drinking age is almost universally 18, there are some exceptions you need to be aware of.

Age 20 Minimum

Age 19 Minimum

Granted, it may still be possible to get a drink since these minimums aren’t as strictly enforced abroad as they are in the US.  But just in case here are some countries with lower (or no) minimums.

Age 16 Minimum

The list of countries with no minimum at all include Azerbaijan, Poland, and Portugal. In both Poland and Portugal there is no drinking age minimum but you’ve still got to be 18 to purchase.

Interview With Geek Nation Tours Founder Teras Cassidy

EDITED [9/8/08]: Steve let me know that Thailand increased their minimum drinking age in May 2007.

[photo by: Chris Breeze]