Did You Keep Your Travel Resolutions For 2009?

At the beginning of 2009 I took at look at some travel resolutions that we could all stand to make at one level or another. Personally, I know not cutting it so last minute was a goal I had set for myself. All I was really able to accomplish was perfecting being late to an art. I can’t count the number of times I’ve walked right on to a plane as they were shutting the gate doors behind me this past year. Leaving that behind I’ve resolved to take more pictures and also set a number of travel blogging goals.

What I’d like to hear from you is, did you keep your travel resolutions for 2009?

Perhaps you never made any or have just set some for 2010. Feel free to share your most important travel resolutions and how you fared. Announcing them might make them easier to keep or encourage others with their goals. I’ll be sharing some of these in a post later on next week and your contributions are invaluable.

[photo by: mare.bowe]