Did You Keep Your Travel Resolutions For 2009? [RESPONSES]

pinky swearI suppose everyone isn’t keen on New Year’s resolutions although the comments indicate that your fellow travelers have big plans for 2010. In response to the question, did you keep your travel resolutions for 2009, I’d say it’s a middle-of-the-ground “sort of”.

I’m also not one for keeping resolutions based around the New Year but set a variety of specific personal and professional goals for myself throughout the year. I didn’t really make any travel resolutions that I remember for 2009, except to continue traveling full time. As for my personal travel resolutions for 2010 they include making my way to Ecuador (and nearby) this spring, perhaps stopping in Central America, and on to the United States. I’ll stay for a few weeks including a stop at the Travel Blog Exchange in New York this June. That’s only for the first part of 2010 and perhaps our paths will cross.

Where are you headed in 2010?

[photo by: millicent_bystander, E.Bartholomew]