Nomadic Matt Shares His Secrets To Successful World Travel In New eBook

nomadic matts secrets to successful world travelNomadic Matt, the author of the very successful travel blog with the same name, has written his third eBook titled Nomadic Matt’s Secrets To Successful World Travel. The book is an overview of round the world travel and aims to help once you’ve made the decision to take an extended trip. Matt sent me the eBook a few days before its release for a review.

Matt Kepnes (aka. Nomadic Matt) certainly has the resume and experience to write an eBook about extended world travel since he’s been on the road for nearly 4 years. The eBook takes on a broad topic boldly and tackles what for most people is a huge undertaking. That’s where the book falters a bit; it is comprehensive about the topic but not excessively detailed on a specific point about traveling the world. Where the book does shine though is making sure you’ve got all of your bases covered before you embark on an around the world trip – and Matt does point out a number of things most new travelers tend to neglect.

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What’s Inside?

Nomadic Matt’s Secrets To Successful World Travel covers budgets for the major global regions and advice on routes, where to go, and planning an itinerary. One of the best parts about the eBook is the section on banking where Matt covers a good number of ways to avoid fees and make the most out of your spending before, during, and after your trip. It’s in this section where I felt more detail would be useful to help travelers get the most out of their typically limited budgets for around the world travel.

The eBook also has some good information on maintaining your life back home while you’re away on an extended trip. Using a few free and low cost methods you can stay on top of your life in creative ways so it’s not like you’re ever too far away from ‘reality’. Many people who are planning round the world (RTW) trips end up obtaining this information as they plan but it’s well organized as a rough blueprint in Matt’s eBook.

The Pirates Of Somalia Is A Great Travel Book, Lackluster Movie

Cost and Other Thoughts

Nomadic Matt’s Secrets To Successful World Travel would probably be better if split into several more detailed separate guides but has a lot of information for people who’ve decided to take an RTW but aren’t quite sure where to start. Nomadic Matt’s Secrets To Successful World Travel is 140 pages and available for download for $20.