How To Visit The Millennium Cross On Top Of Vodno Mountain In Skopje, Macedonia

The Millennium Cross on Vodno Mountain’s highest point is one of the first sights you’ll notice from most everywhere in Macedonia’s capital city, Skopje. At 1,066 meters (3,497 feet) the views from the base of the Millennium Cross are impressive, although finding out how to get there isn’t exactly clear. Fortunately, that’s the most difficult part; once you have the directions visiting the Millennium Cross is pretty easy.

Get To The Bus Station Next To The Bus Station

You’re likely to be told about the “Millennium Cross” bus line and all the stops it makes throughout Skopje. But it doesn’t, so don’t wait around at bus stop 11 as I did only to find out the route is essentially unpredictable. Skopje is small enough that from most points in the city, like Macedonia Square, you can walk to the International Bus Station within 30 minutes. (It’s roughly 2 kilometers, 1.2 miles, away.) Next to the International Bus Station is a large parking lot you can call the national bus station.

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Millennium Cross Line

Ask for the Millennium Cross line, which arrives every 30 minutes between 8:20 to 3:20 in the afternoon everyday.

The red double-decker bus will have a lit sign saying Millennium Cross. You purchase your tickets directly from the driver; the cost is 35 Macedonian denar equivalent to .60 euro. The bus may make a stop or two along the 30 minute drive up to cable car station where you’ll wait in line for 10 minutes or so.

Keep in mind that although they have a credit card machine it’s likely not to be working, so bring enough cash for the entire experience.

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Once At The Top

First, plan to get to the Millennium Cross in the early afternoon at the latest, since the cable lift shuts down a little after 4pm, and the last bus leaves promptly after. (There will be a few taxis hanging around but you won’t be in a good position to bargain your way to anything near the normal 300 denar (5 euro) price.)

You can’t go to the top of the 66-meter (217 ft) Millennium Cross but the views from Vodno from the small cafe or wooden porch on the opposite side of the mountain make for a nice afternoon. Afterward, you can make your way to Macedonia Square for an evening show of the universe I recommend you don’t miss.