How To Avoid A Speeding Ticket

Automobiles are the most common method of travel and many of us use them to jet from city to city. Hitting the gas on the open road can help shave minutes of any trip but get pulled over and you’ll lose time, money, and maybe your ability to drive.

Although it’s not encouraged, if you do decide to speed here are some ways to avoid the flashing lights and scruffy beards of police speed traps.

Of course this list is about avoidance and doesn’t cover how to handle getting out of a ticket if you do get pulled over. I’ll go over that later on in the week – remember to always drive safely even if you decide to speed. You won’t get very far if you’re dead or critically injured. If you’re going to rent a car in Europe, avoid these 7 common driving mistakes and be extra wary of speed cameras.

[photo by: heather]

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