Use Airline Recession Tactics To Reduce Your Travel Costs

Rising fuels costs are causing the airlines to implement common sense ways to stay in business which may improve air travel.

In recent months, the insanely high price of jet fuel ($3.22 per gallon last week), the credit crunch and the slowing economy have done what regulators and politicians were unable to do: persuade airlines to give up valued landing slots.

As transportation gets more expensive we can all learn from how the airlines have been cutting back to reduce our own travel costs. Paying more for gas can improve your travels too simply by modifying some airline recession tactics.

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Increasing travel costs will end up making both travelers and airlines looking for creative ways to cuts costs rather than travel grinding to a halt. Any smart traveler will use the basics to save money by being flexible with time, light in luggage, and reducing simple luxuries.

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[photo by: Felipe Morin]