How To Stay Safe At An International Soccer Football Game

The word fanatic takes on a entirely different meaning for soccer fans outside of the US. For Americans, it’s one of the best ways to get an idea of the passion for the beautiful game and to add a unique stop on your travels abroad.

Soccer fans around the world sing, dance, chant, and curse in unison before, after, and during the entire 90 minutes of the game. It’s a great experience, but for Americans who are used to spectator sports in the US you’ll need to follow this advice so you don’t inadvertently offend anyone.

Tomorrow I’ll have a list of the best places around the world to catch a soccer game, but first here are some tips on how to stay safe.

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For the most part however, despite what you’ve seen on the news, soccer games are friendly and safe affairs. If you can’t get tickets to a game, look for a fan zone – large outdoor gatherings of supporters for both sides who watch the games on large movie screens. Food and drinks are available and there is usually no limit on the time or amount of alcohol you can purchase.

As always, do your best to blend in and avoid international faux pas to get the best experiance to avoid fraud and have fun!

[photo by: Mertol]