The 6 Best Countries In The World To Attend A Soccer Football Game

Although the Euro 2008 tournament is over, Americans can still enjoy the fever of international soccer across the globe. Visiting a league match in these countries who are passionate about the sport should be added to any travel itinerary.

I mentioned yesterday to expect an intense atmosphere at the game, so follow these tips to stay safe at the match.

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Honorable Mention: Germany, Turkey, and South Korea.

It’s hard to find tickets to games at many of these countries online, so you’re better off going directly to the ticket booth outside of the staduim or visiting the club’s website. If you get stuck with some tickets I’d advise against scalping the tickets since the local pentalities might be harsh. Of course, don’t buy scalped either – you might get swindled for fakes.

Been to a great game in a country not listed above? Let us know in the comments!

[photo by: Radio Nederland Wereldomroep]