My Travel Plans For Delhi, India

It is not imperative that you stick to a plan, but for short trips, it is essential you come up with at least a basic one. The best resources are people who’ve been to your destination you can turn to for advice, recommendations, and other ‘insiders’.

Yesterday I asked for your help in planning my trip to Delhi this week and here’s my list to follow.

My “Musts”

My Favorite Places To Smoke Shisha (Nargile) Around The World

Other “Hopefuls”

Taylor Davidson was kind enough to provide me with a number of places to see, here are the places I’m hopeful I can get to.

My “Try if There’s Time” ListHumayun’s Tomb, and some local temples. I’ll add to this list beginning from the “hopefuls” if I get tight on time.

The organization of this list is not at random, there is some method to my madness. Tomorrow I’ll talk about how to easily create your basic travel plans without being a planner. You can keep up with my India travels over the next week by subscribing to my RSS feed or daily email updates.