Categories Updated and New Header for foXnoMad

After suggestions by Erica and many other readers I finally posted a clear and better looking header at the top of foXnoMad. With the kind help of my wife (thank you again!) the header went from this:

to this less pixelated new header:

I’ve also added a list of post categories on the main page so you can navigate stories with specific content on air travel, my personal travel journal, or pictures and video. The list went from about 50 or so vague topics to 24 better-defined categories as shown in the picture below.

What do you think of the new changes? I’m thinking of adding a custom header, perhaps with a new logo or some of my artwork in 2009, but are there any changes you’d like to see me make? I’d like to hear your comments and feedbackabout the new and upcoming changes.

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