Smart Bargaining When You Don’t Know The Local Language

Bargaining is an integral part of many societies and cultures and a skill you can hone even if you don’t speak the local language. Much of bargaining is based on subtle physical mannerisms and a proper focus, both of which don’t require you to know more than a few words in any language.

Smart bargaining by being aware of yourself and how you are perceived, can not only get you a better price and forge relationships but also develop your wits as a smart traveler – especially when you’re in unfamiliar ground or don’t know the language.

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Whether or not you know the local language, there are some common bargaining techniques every traveler should keep in mind.

Don’t focus on the mechanics of the sale, since you and the shopkeeper really are speaking the same language, of commerce. The process of looking for an item, working out the price, and going on your way are generally understood and not knowing the language can be one less distraction if you use it to your benefit.

Walk into a store projecting confidence and ready to engage people. The same techniques will also help you stay safe on the road.

[photo by: JasonDGreat]