Ask A Frequent Flyer Hacker: How To Get Free Tickets To Fly Just About Anywhere

travis sherryFor many people, using frequent flyer miles seems like a black art only business travelers and the credit card-obsessed can master. It can be hard to convince people otherwise – until they earn their first free flight or upgrade. I tell people who want to make use of frequent flyer programs it’s not as complicated as it seems and my live chat guest today can help get you going.

Travis Sherry is one of the world’s foremost experts in frequent flyer miles, which allows him to do awesome things like fly to Japan for $10 or Rio for $5. His mission is to help anyone and everyone travel more while spending less, which he teaches you how to do through his blog, Extra Pack of Peanuts. For those who really want to get whipped in to travel shape, he runs Frequent Flyer Bootcamp, the world’s first interactive class on the subject and is also the author of The Ultimate Guide to Frequent Flyer Miles.

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We’ll be online this afternoon to answer anything you want to know about airline alliances, how to claim miles for past flights, and the best programs for travelers. One of us should also ask Travis how he booked round trip tickets to Rio from Philadelphia for just $5. He’ll be there for the World Cup, but I’m not sure there’s a trick for game tickets, or is there? Head down to the comments below to find out – Travis and I look forward to the discussion!