The Best City To Visit Travel Tournament 2014: Championship

best city 2014 championship

The aftermath of a controversial all-Romanian Final Four leaves us with the potential of another first: a repeat champion city. Sibiu faces its southern rival Craiova, which got nearly 200 more total votes in the previous round. We’ll see if Craiova’s supporters can stop Sibiu in what I suspect will be a close and competitive vote. I look forward to watching the results that determine where in Romania I’ll be visiting later this year.

Voting in the Championship will be open until 18:00pm US EST this Sunday, April 6th. Those of you reading through email and RSS will have to click-through to this page to vote. FINAL RESULTS won’t be announced until Tuesday, April 8th and current results will begin displaying later in the week.

One Of These 64 Cities Will Be Named Best To Visit In 2019: Time To Vote!

best city 2014 championship

Good luck to both of the finalist cities!