Post Highlights: [10/27]

The Traveler’s Search Engine: SideStep

SideStep works just like FareCompare and Kayak, sifting through itineraries and deals so you can pick out the best price.

SideStep makes it a bit easier to refine your results based on flight times and layovers, and is consistently ranked as one of the best ticket search engines on the Web.

Microfinance People Across The World On Kiva

Instead of simply donating money to a cause you can finance small loans to poor entrepreneurs all over the world on Kiva.

Search For The Best Food In Select US Cities

Sift through restaurant listings for 8 major US cities on MenuPages. The best part about the site is you can use it to view the actual menu and print it out.

The Best Places To Travel On A Weak Dollar – US Edition

There are plenty of places around the US you can visit to make the most of the falling currency. Here is a list of 8 great places to visit and make your short dollar go a long way.

App Shows You How Much To Tip After Your Next Meal Around The World