What To Do If You Get Ripped-Off While Traveling

Being away from familiar territory puts you at an increased risk of having your money swindled from you. The scammers know that it won’t be easy for you to get back to them, and you’re unlikely to notice you’ve been ripped off until you get back home.

Here’s what to do if you are unfortunate to get caught up in a scam and have your money stolen. Specifically if you end up buying crap defective goods.

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Keep in mind that these types of scams and ripoffs are not limited to third-world countries, old men, and your favorite products. Don’t trust the comfort of a brick and mortar store either. As a traveler you need to keep your guard up at all times.

Finally, don’t look to eager to buy anything and keep your wallet/money hidden until you are absolutely going to buy something. Do you have any personal tips to recover from a scam, let us know in the comments, discussions welcome 🙂

[photo by: jepoirrier]