Those of you looking for some help with your holiday shopping can do so by entering the foXnoMad end-of-year contest.

Here are the prizes:

  • $75 Apple Gift Card
  • $50 Gift Card
  • One of (2) $25 Gift Cards
  • One of (2) $15 Gift Cards

All you have to do are the following 3 things by December 8, 2007 – gift cards will be emailed on December 10, 2008:

  • Submit a 200 word post on a country not in our blog locations – It’s not an essay, just your experiences, personal recommendations, and other advice you have based on your travel to the country. Email your submissions via the contact page.
    • If you simply haven’t been to a country we’ve not written about, contact me and I’ll figure out an alternative.
  • Drop At Least 3 Insightful Comments?On Past Or Upcoming Posts By The Deadline – One of those comments should go under this post, about anything travel related. Please be creative 🙂
  • Subscribe To The RSS Feed or Email Subscriptions – Look on the top right corner of each page. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Geek Takeover Week 2021 Has Landed...

The people who submit the most creative collection of posts and comments will get the prizes in that order. Keep in mind that any posts that are submitted may be edited by me and will most likely be posted at some point in the future.

If you have a website or blog, please let me know so I can post a link to it under your submission. I won’t post any real names (unless you want me to), email, or other information. Do me a favor and keep it out of any thing you write.

Finally, you can submit more than one 200 word post to increase your chances. Just make sure that each one is about a different country.

Any questions? Just ask…and good luck to everyone!

Geek Takeover Week 2018 Is Here