How To Keep To A Single Carry On

Many airlines are now resorting to charging you for having checked luggage in order to compensate for higher gas prices and operating costs. Paying more than you have to for a trip isn’t what smart travelers do. Frugal fliers can sacrifice some luxuries to keep luggage fees off of their vacation budget and save time waiting at baggage carousels.

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A few of these methods require some upfront cost, but they all have free alternatives. Living out of a single bag for up to 10 days or more is possible – the best advice is to not bring or combine what you can. Groups of travelers can pack all of their items into a single suitcase and still use some of the ideas above to conserve space.

Not only will you be able to get around with a light load on your back, not have to worry about lugging a suitcase, best of all you’ll have to rely on your wits and get creative – which doesn’t cost you a penny, let alone $25.

[photo by: mil8]