The Pros And Cons Of Using Cash During The Various Stages Of Travel

What you lose in convenience you gain in security when using cash to pay for your trip, buy souvenirs, and leave tips for waiters. While credit and debit cards are useful if you get ripped off, using cash can prevent it from ever happening.

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Smart travelers know to keep an amount of emergency cash with them at all times. The minimum amount being enough to pay for a cab (or bus) ride back to where you’re staying. Always keep a small amount of cash in your wallet with your credit cards. The rest of your cash (and 1 emergency credit card) should be hidden on your person. A sock, under your feet, or a bra are good places.

Cash and credit go hand in hand and you should always have both as well as an unactivated credit card. Small purchases are best made with cash and larger items with credit. Finally, keep an envelope with you as well to save your credit card receipts in case any problems arise.

[photo by: dyobmit]