Post Highlights: [8/2/2008]

The Worst Things To Do On Your Staycation

Over the last two weeks I’ve learned what to do – and more importantly what not to do on a staycation.

Use Your Digital Camera To Snap Lost Luggage

Take a quick picture of your suitcase and bags to decrease the amount of time that it will take to recover your bags, in case they are lost.

Do You Visit The Shabbiest Looking Restaurants For The Best Food When Traveling?

I recently submitted some traveling smarter tips for Darren of Travel Rants, including “eat at the shabbiest looking restaurant you run across, they tend to have the best food.”

Prices At The Pump Stay The Same, No Matter What You Pay With

Last week I posted on an ABC News story that reported drivers pay a few cents extra per gallon for gas when paying with a credit or debit card. I wanted to know if gas prices go up when you pay with a credit card, so I decided to found out – here’s what I found.

How To Spend 48 Hours In Edinburgh