The Advantages of Traveling Solo

“To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world.”

Freya Stark

aloneMaking plans to take a trip leaving your friends, wife, or family behind can add new traveling experiences for even experienced travelers. There are several advantages that come together, when traveling alone, that only a solo trip can provide.

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In addition, as Darren of Travel Rants notes, you can expect to also,

Traveling alone isn’t much different than traveling in a small group, except that you are absolutely the only person you have to rely upon. Try to keep all of your belongings in a single carry-on and don’t leave anything behind in the hotel. The toughest time you’re likely to face is at meals, so upload a good eBook to your iPod to keep occupied.

[photo by: wanderinghome]