Post Highlights: [11/8/2008]

Post Highlights are a selection of the best and most popular posts from the past two weeks updated every other Saturday. Another great way to get the best of foXnoMad is to subscribe to my RSS feed (what is RSS?).

Flakowitz Bagel Inn – Boca Raton, Florida

The Flakowitz Bagel Inn is a taste of New York in Florida and is reminiscent of a Sopranos episode (I’ve heard things). I highly recommend it if you happen to be traveling or live in the Boca Raton area.

5 Ways To Get Used To Work After A Good Vacation

Keeping in mind that we’ll all be inevitably returning to work, there are 5 ways you can prepare yourself and make the transition to ‘regular life’ a bit easier on yourself.

The Ethics Of Travel Blogging: Where Do Creators Draw The Line?

Travel Unravel: Any Tips For A First Time Flight With An Infant?

Friend and reader Rachel asked me via my Facebook page: I’m going on my first flight with my infant, any tips for traveling with babies?

Inspire Me Africa Photo Contest

Send me your best pictures of Africa, or African culture, art, or food from anywhere in the world and win one of 3 prizes, including a Casio digital camera or $75 cash.

The Price of A Pint Around The World

Find the price of a pint of beer in bars around the world with Pint Price.