Sleeping With Cockroaches

During my last trip to New Delhi, India I stayed in the luxurious Taj Palace Hotel, unlike my first trip to Bangalore where I stayed in a nameless hotel completely infested with cockroaches. I’ve also slept with the little critters in the US (New Jersey), Turkey, and with mice in Minnesota.

Traveling on a budget to various places is inevitably going to have you sharing a hotel room, hostel, or airport floor with cockroaches. The little insects are somewhat disconcerting at first and can make your skin crawl but they generally don’t mind you. That said, there are some easy steps you can take to make peace with your 6-legged friends and keep them from disrupting your sleep.

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There are also several natural cockroach repellents.

Cockroaches may also be more attracted to the colors blue and green, although the jury is still out on that one. After your first experience sleeping with cockroaches, it gets better each time. You’ll realize that by in large they don’t care about you and you’ll see less of them than you think. In addition to the tips above, do the obvious – don’t keep food out and flush the toilet.

[photo by: sirtrentalot]