November 2012 Live Chat: All About India Travel

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A few hours ago I touched down in New Delhi, India on a flight from Istanbul, Turkey. I’ll be here for most of the month of November, joining Earl Baron on his inaugural Welcome To India tour. Earl has spent 2 years of his travels in India, this will be my fourth visit, and we’re both here to take all of your questions about the country, what to eat, where to see, and whether the Taj Mahal really as impressive as you’ve heard.

The chat is open today (Oct. 29th) from 11:30pm-1am US EST (3:30am-5:00am GMT; 9am-10:30am New Delhi). Scroll down or click here to pop into chat conversation below!

Earl also just announced his next tour, Wander Across Mexico in March, details about which he’ll be happy to share if you ask. Our 10 travel guests won’t begin arriving until later today and we’re both here for 90 minutes to talk with you about all things India plus travel. Curious about traveling in India, the cows, safety of the street food? Ask away in the comments below.

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