foXnoMad’s Got A New Look

You might have noticed this site looks very different today since for the first time in 7 years, I’ve given it a major redesign and a new foXnoMad logo to go with it. I have a lot planned for you in the coming weeks so it seemed only appropriate to freshen up my digital wardrobe. Please let me know what you think of the new style and any bugs you might come across that need ironing out.

It’s hard to specify what the changes are because the look is completely different, although in function, foXnoMad more or less works the same. Comments are sorted by your ratings up or down (the little green and red arrows) to help you navigate the longer discussion threads by putting the most useful comments at the top. You’ll notice the most popular posts are listed to your left, where you’ll also find a powerful search engine for foXnoMad. Mobile versions have also been given a refresh.

Also, regular posts will resume this week (I had taken some time to work behind the scenes on the aforementioned upcoming plans) plus I’ll be announcing a complete travel schedule for the rest of the year. Thank you all for your feedback and support. I hope you like the fox’s shiny new coat.

New foXnoMad Merch Shop With May Profits Going To Yemen's Children