red fox

I can’t believe I just typed out that title. I recalculated it a number of times to make sure I wasn’t adding an extra couple of years but that’s right, 10 years ago on this date I wrote the first foXnoMad post.

A Short History Tale

Back then in 2006, this was a blog I created for a few friends and myself, so we could keep in touch. After a few weeks, I was the only one actually posting – a process that was surprisingly enjoyable. There’s a lot of crap from those early posts and it would have probably continued that way, until someone other than my mother left a comment. After a complete stranger had found foXnoMad (it wasn’t even named that yet) it occurred to me maybe I should put some effort into what I wrote on the Internet.

foXnoMad's Got A New Look

So I focused on two things I knew and was passionate about: travel and technology. Some time later foXnoMad took off with me following, on a journey that is now a quest to visit every country in the world.

Catching Up With Time

I move around. A lot. Constant motion means I’m continually balancing writing with traveling. Over the years, I had been keeping pace but didn’t have much opportunity to eliminate a pesky to-do list, plus turn some other ideas into reality. Not so much now, over the past 6 months I’ve been (more or less) in one place and in front of a laptop longer than I’ve been in years.

You’ll see the results of this temporary slowdown soon throughout the rest of 2016, most likely while I’m exploring some jungle I shouldn’t be in or testing any rational person’s fear of heights.

A Big Thank You

TipFox Tells You How Much To Tip At Restaurants, Bars And More Worldwide On Your Phone

All of this – my dream to travel the world and write about the places I visit is because you read and support this blog. (Plus the blogger behind it.) I look forward to continuing the trip with you as foXnoMad expands later this year beyond anything I could have imagined in 2006.

Travel smarter,

[Photo by: GDallimore]