Accumulate Vacation Time Wisely

Going on vacation requires a job to take a vacation from, unless you happen to be Paris Hilton. Many people complain that they don’t have enough time to take from work when the summer rolls around, yet seem to have enough hours to cure their Wednesday night hangover.

Getting the right amount of vacation depends on many factors that are under your control. With organization, discipline, and some initiative you can easily rack up the hours for your much deserved trip abroad.

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There are some pieces of advice that have worked for me and others I know. A good place to network about jobs that offer what you are looking for in a “vacation-funder” is LinkedIn. There you can consult with your peers to find out benefits, personal leave time, and flex time options.

How many hours of personal leave time do you get and is it combined with your sick time? I’m curious what everyone else does to maximize the amount of time they can spend away from work, or does it matter to you?