What Does Your IT Department Know About You?

Many people often book flights, search for vacations, and check their email from work. Depending on who you work for and your company policies, there is a good chance that much of the information you’d like to keep private is not. Every employee should be aware that they may already have a very intimate relationship with their IT staff and not even know it. Some information should stay private and there are a few tips and tools that make this possible – even from the office.

Travelers Will Notice The Globe On Facebook's Header Changes Based On Your Location

This list could be longer – there are a variety of things that you might want to keep private. Myspace accounts (don’t use your real name), drunken Flickr photos, and newspaper articles make your life accessible to the entire world. Make sure that you use all of the privacy features included with each service, and if they don’t exist, request it.

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