Post Highlights: [10/25/2008]

Post Highlights are a selection of the best and most popular posts from the past two weeks updated every other Saturday. Another great way to get the best of foXnoMad is to subscribe to my RSS feed (what is RSS?).

Traveling Relics That Might Make A Comeback Due To The Rising Cost of Oil

These travel relics are all in various stages of making a comeback, and you can use them to shave off cents to save for your next tank of gas.

How to Bum A Wi-Fi Signal On The Road

Luckily there are a number of free ways to steal borrow Internet connections and find Wi-Fi signals, without jeopardizing your computer’s safety.

7 Up and Coming Best Places To Travel On A Weak Dollar

Do You Still Need A Point And Shoot Camera When Traveling?

Places like the Czech Republic, Thailand, and Turkey can’t really be considered cheap destinations, but many of their neighbors are filling in the gaps.

Carnival of Cities For October 22, 2008

I’ve posted a quick summary of each below and I encourage you to click through the ones that interest you the most.

The Advantages of Traveling Solo

There are several advantages that come together, when traveling alone, that only a solo trip can provide.