Tricks To Keep Your Cat Happy While You Travel

Last week I wrote about 4 things frequent travelers need to consider before getting a cat and the unique challenges having them as pets present. One of the misconceptions many people have about cats is that it doesn’t bother them when they are left alone. Cats have a range of temperaments and personalities but they are all social animals.  It’s important not to let them feel like that you are far away while keeping their minds and bodies occupied.

Using the Internet and making your home an interesting place to be will not only keep your cats happy, but allow you to return to an orderly home.

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Unlike in dogs, the initial signs of cat stress are difficult to see. It’s when curtains are torn to shreds and there is a heaping pile of poo in the kitchen that most traveling cat owners realize that their pets don’t like to be left alone. Even with a pet sitter around (just like a dog) your cats are attached to you. Cats make difficult pets for frequent travelers and although they don’t need walks or to be let out for the bathroom, you can’t neglect their emotions and needs as social beings.

Consider getting a second cat so they can keep each other company, installing light timers to maintain their routine, and ask your nosey neighbors to drop by from time to time. Your cats will appreciate it.

[photo by: comicbase]