Live The Backpacker Life (Most Anywhere In The World) Contest

Suppose you could go anywhere in the world for a week to experience the backpacker lifestyle. Where would you go?

You can experience my traveling life for a week by entering the Live The Backpacker Life Contest with your best travel video guide before October 5th, 2010. I want to give you the chance to travel as I do – flexible, with a variety of choices, and on a budget – so I’ve set aside money for airfare and 6 nights of hostel accommodations for a taste of the backpacker life, where you want to.

How To Enter

Put yourself in the position of travel blogger, Anthony Bourdain, or anthropologist and create a 3-5 minute video guide about a specific aspect of a given city that I haven’t yet written about. (You can check this list of the places I’ve covered or email me if you have any questions.)

  1. In addition to your video, you’ll need to submit a 400-600 word summary to be posted with it.
  2. Email your video and summary to anil(@) with the subject line “Video Contest”.

Make sure the video is specific – it can be about a particular aspect of the local culture, a restaurant, or a guide of the best free attractions. Be creative but also specific.

What You’ll Win

Ultimately, I want to get you to the destination you’ve been dying to see.

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You might be taking multi-city flights and will be staying in hostel dorms not because I’m cheap – but because it’s the way I travel and to give you a chance to experience it as well.

Requirements And Important Dates

How The Winner Will Be Chosen

I’ll narrow down the entries to my 6 favorite and start posting finalists on Tuesday October 12, 2010.

The judges will remain anonymous until after the winner is announced on Tuesday October 26, 2010.

Contest Details

Some more about the contest specifics.

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Citizens of any nation may enter – good luck!

Why The Backpacker Life?

You’ve got a wide range of places to go to and visit as a budget traveler – whether you’ve done it before or want to try something new. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to explore the heights of Quito, see Istanbul’s Hippodrome, or just find out what a hostel is really like – now here’s your chance. I’m very fortunate to be able to travel full-time by blogging; so let’s reverse roles. Come up with your best travel video guide and earn yourself a backpacker trip with much of the world at your fingertips.

[photos by: ToddMorris (backpacker life contest), Aaron | Dan (travel video), Rainer Ebert (plane taking off), Deannster (string on finger reminder)]