The Best City To Visit Travel Tournament 2011: Preliminary Round Voting

The field of contestants for this year’s The Best City To Visit Travel Tournament has been rounded out to 64 cities nominated by you! This first vote will help sort out the cities and determine the match-ups for the first round robin vote this Friday, March 4th.

best city to visit 2011 prelim round

You can vote for your favorite 5 cities below; voting ends this Thursday at 9am US EST. Those of you reading through email and RSS will have to click-through to this page to vote.

In theory, the cities with the most votes in this round of voting should have an easier path to the final. Based on last year’s preliminary round, the cities with the most votes to start generally did advance farther overall. You can vote once, selecting 5 of your favorite cities.

Your Pick In This Year's Best City To Visit Travel Tournament Could Win You And Your City $1000

best city 2011 prelim 1

best city 2011 prelim 2

This Friday these 64 cities will be paired in head-to-head match ups for the first round of elimination on the road to $150 for the winner.

Don’t worry if you missed this contest, I run several throughout the year. You can be the first to find out about the next one by signing up for my email updates, RSS feed, or bi-monthly newsletter.