My Ears Are Wide Open – How Would You Improve foXnoMad?

Its’ been a while since I solicited your suggestions, advice, and critique, although I’m incredibly lucky to get your feedback in my inbox regularly. I get many creative suggestions from those who make this site what it is and my travels possible – aka. all of you who read and support foXnoMad.

two fox kits

As my newsletter subscribers heard recently, I’ve got a number of new features and programs I’ll cooking up in the foXnoMad labs over the summer. Before the kitchen gets hot though, I would really like to know what you’d prefer to see more of. And less.

I’m open to all kinds of suggestions – from more photos or contests, to other creative ones that don’t exist yet because your neurons haven’t fired up the ideas yet. Feel free to leave your ideas on the comments below or alternatively on my Facebook page. Changes are around the corner as the 5th anniversary of foXnoMad approaches – and I can’t think of a better person to help shape them – you!

[photos by: Chris & Lara Pawluk (two fox kits)]