After working all day and weekend I decided to step outside and get some fresh air. Those are the best moments…a glass of wine and other vices make the stresses of life seem distant and minuscule.

I saw this tree right outside of my door and thought how beautiful the leaves are. Right at the end of it’s life it is at it’s most peaceful and stunning state. Then you think about those leaves and how they were last spring..

You realize how much those leaves have seen in their short life and how despite the hardships it ends in serenity. Yes, I am talking like my hippie self but life is short and I appreciate each moment. You should too.
No matter what the stresses we all end up where we are supposed to be in the end – this picture doesn’t do justice to what my eyes saw.

…three little birds outside my doorstep, singing sweet songs, of melodies pure and true…

I think we all need that, especially this weekend. Pass on the sentiment tout le monde.

Journalist Richard McColl Talks About Colombia's Forgotten City, Mompos