15 Things About foXnoMad

red fox sleepingToday is the 3rd anniversary of this blog, foXnoMad. This wasn’t always a travel blog and if you are interested you can read the history of foXnoMad. Today I’d like to spend a little time to share 15 things about foXnoMad with you.

  1. It takes me around an hour and a half to get an average post done.
  2. My most popular post is the best places to travel on a weak dollar, which appeared on the Consumerist.
  3. Readers have won more than $750 through my various contests, and another one is coming up soon.
  4. I give away a copy of every book I review.
  5. I never feel like I post enough pictures. Consequently I’ve resolved to take more pictures from now on.
  6. Spell check is a lifesaver except is doesn’t help when you correctly spell raping instead of rapping.
  7. I respond to every comment and legitimate email, quite quickly I might add, but I’m working on pacing myself.
  8. I get an average of 15-20 blog related emails a day.
  9. Speaking of, people have asked me to find their lost luggage. I don’t work for Lufthansa, but I’ve got their number.
  10. I usually schedule out my posts a week in advance and I’ve got a list of around 50 things to post at any given time.
  11. The shorter the post, the more I struggle to write it. Like this one.
  12. I try to limit my writing to certain nights a week, which rarely happens.
  13. I’m subscribed to more than 100 travel blogs and this list keeps growing. You can subscribe to foXnoMad via RSS, daily email updates, or my bimonthly newsletter.
  14. I’ll be announcing a way to win some money for your next trip to my subscribers very soon (see #3 above).
  15. This is the 3rd year of foXnoMad and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.
Geek Takeover Week 2020 Has Started!

I’ve spent my entire life traveling, studying cultures, and picking up tricks along the way. I created foXnoMad to connect with other travelers, discover their world, and share what I’ve learned about mine to help you travel smarter. Hopefully in some ways I’ve been able to accomplish this goal. Any other questions about foXnoMad – let me know!

[photo by: Property#1]