Blog - foXnoMad

i totally called it

this is my first little posty thingy and all i have to say pour le moment is: i called it! HA in yo’ face, Anil! forza portugalllll 😀 anyhoo, i must go to work now and continue my living folding clothes and helping stupid people… it’s great, i LOVE it. sike. 🙂 vive le france! i hope zidane gets to experience winning another one against brasil… 😀

UNICEF for July

Just to update the donations…$425.00 so far in 2006. Remember the goal to raise $1000 by January 1, 2007. Every little bit helps, even $5 a month adds up.


And remember all domations are 100% tax deductable. Your reciept is emailed to you right away.

From the Hands of God

I woke up at 5 am to drive and took the longest possible way home last night…

I’ve never had goosebumps from my drive into work. Or heard an engine roar, and hum at the same time…felt like I was a part of the asphalt. Living in an era when driving still meant something.

My uncle let me borrow his 84′ BMW 325i.

Pure car, nothing fancy, just pure car. I hope they total my car in the shop. It’s only there for service, but I could live with that.

I had a constant smile on my face…every red light was a green waiting to happen…I turned to look at the others on the road, driving “normal” cars and thought,
“how do they do that everyday?”

I can’t wait to hit the road again.

Want to watch the World Cup live on your computer?

Pour un temp plus?

Update: I was informed that this was not working, but here is another potential solution…I’ve got Verizon so I can’t test, but go for it…Brazil plays today, then ZZs last game for France! Bon chance!

Click the “World Cup live” link

Well, ESPN is streaming all of the games…sadly only for Verizon customers. Good thing I ran across this lifehacker article. If you don’t have Verizon, you can still get the games streamed…and here’s how you do it.

Take this link below:

then just change the date to today’s day…then change the name of the country and change it to one of the countries in the game you want to watch. So check it out and give it a whirl


Also, Kevin wanted babes, so here is a link to “babes of the world cup”

My name is Sam…


Originally uploaded by sleeepyturkey.

dude, I was cracking up when I heard this this other day…

so B is at the pool with his fam the other days, and he’s got his hand outstretched and leaning against the wall…and this lady comes up to him and askes,

“hey, what’s your name?”

and he says, without missing a beat on the DL,

“my name is Sam.”

hahaha, you gotta think about him saying it in his voice, man he’s gonna be taggin all the chicks in a few years, you just wait…

About Anil Polat

foxnomad aboutHi, I'm Anil. foXnoMad is where I combine travel and tech to help you travel smarter. I'm on a journey to every country in the world and you're invited to join the adventure! Read More

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