GrassFox is an always up-to-date map of recreational marijuana laws around the world for travelers who want to use cannabis legally. GrassFox, in map view, shows whether cannabis is illegal, legal, or decriminalized, as well as maximum possession amounts and general guidance. Tapping on any entry from the map takes you to a detailed view of the full laws, with penalties, restrictions, and user discussions.

Information in GrassFox shows you where recreational marijuana use is legal, decriminalized, illegal, and all of the restrictions, conditions, plus grey areas from the legal jargon; obtained using official sources and updated as the laws change. The map is intended to be used as a guide only, remember you’re responsible for knowing, following, and obey all local laws.

GrassFox also includes information for other local jurisdictions, including U.S. states. All of the data in GrassFox pertains to recreational marijuana use, not medical, or other circumstances.

Below is the key to GrassFox, designed to give you a quick overview of local marijuana laws at a glance in the map view.

grassfox Recreational marijuana use has been legalized.


yellow warning sign dronemate  Recreational marijuana use has been decriminalized to some extent.


no enter sign dronemate  Recreational marijuana use is illegal.


grey question mark dronemate  No data on recreational marijuana use – assumed illegal.


yellow star dronemate  Indicates the comment with the highest rating based on feedback from other users.


Always Up To Date And Disclaimer

Once you download GrassFox, it pulls the latest information regarding recreational marijuana use laws from around the world. GrassFox is designed to work offline when you’re traveling after you open the app when you have an Internet connection. Be sure to read the details of any entry, including U.S. states, prior to traveling. Always assume entries with no data mean cannabis is illegal and don’t equate decriminalization to mean legal. Remember, GrassFox is meant to be a guide, we make no legal claims or guarantees – ultimately you’re responsible for knowing and following the right laws.

Feedback, Feature Requests, And Bug Reports

Your feedback is an important part of GrassFox. I would love to hear any feedback, feature requests, or bugs you find (hopefully none of the latter!) You can send me a message directly using any of the links below:

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Rate On iTunes (This is a big help!)

Review on Google Play (I appreciate your feedback!)