According to IMDB, the new Captain Kirk in Star Trek XI (due in 2008), will be:
[Insert retarded voice here] Matt Damon
What do you guys think?
According to IMDB, the new Captain Kirk in Star Trek XI (due in 2008), will be:
[Insert retarded voice here] Matt Damon
What do you guys think?
All this time I thought I was alone in being annoyed at Matt Damon!
More like CAPTAIN JERK! Wa Wa waaaaaaaaahhhh!
It’s Ben Affleck going to be Warf?
ok, ok, i’ve got to crawl out of the wood work and say I HATE MATT DAMON!
but think he might be a good kirk…*meep*
Matt Damon blows all kinds of things!
This news upsets me greatly. I may have to boycott…