Make sure your next hotel isn’t on a list of places with known infestations. This Stormtrack thread has a detailed list, as does the Bed Bug Blog.
Both lists seem heavy with New York City and London hotels. Keep your eyes opens for bed bug clues such as sniffing dogs in the lobby, or allergy (aka. bed bug) free bed covers.
The little critters hitch rides in luggage and travel all over the globe. There is no real one-stop source to find out if your next hotel is infested, you’ll have to search forums, travel blogs, and ask around to avoid bed bug bites.
[photo by: gothambill]
hotels give greener view and it is very difficult to find fi one is infested with bugs or not unless you get into one.
My friend went to New York last month and returned with free bedbug bites on his body. Not only this but he even carried some of the bugs to his house. They got into his baggage and he carried them unknowingly.Why couldn’t the hoteliers keep their hotels free from the bugs!
@ triton:
If you don’t mind me asking, which hotel and how did he end up getting rid of the bedbugs in his luggage?
I read where spraying with plain rubbing alcohol will kill them,also. True?
It’s possible, since vodka works as well: