A reader recently asked me about important things to do to build a successful travel blog. (There are much more successful blogs than mine, but I’ll tackle the question as best I can.) Before I answer the important things to do, next week, I wanted to seek your thoughts on what defines a successful travel blog.

I’ve compiled some of your thoughts below, and although they vary, there seems to be a general consensus that success is measured in both readership and content.

  • Priyank: I have a very selfish definition because my travel blog is structured that way – an extension of my personal journal. It is about my travels, my pics, my observations, my perspectives. And if a visitor can still find a thing or two to take away, that is success for me.
  • Kim Kinrade: I enjoy writing and I’m just happy if a few people like yourself give comments.
  • D: To me, a successful blog communicates the author’s passion for say, travel, while bringing relevant, interesting info and stories for the readers.
  • salvadoran_army_priest: I prefer single traveler journals like this…but if you want to get noticed or to start actually making it as a blogger, it’s tough, very, very tough.
The Best Travel Memes On The Internet

I’ve been focusing on the blogging aspect of travel recently and have several posts about the topic lined up for next week. The reason, I feel, is that while there is plenty of content on blogging in general, not much out there on travel blogging in particular. Travel blogging can be difficult since the topic you’re writing about generally keeps you away from a computer or active Internet connection.

Do you feel these definitions are adequate or do you disagree – how would you define a successful travel blog?