diddit logoCheck off places you’ve visited, restaurants you’ve eaten at, and a host of other activities on Diddit. The online service then recommends things for you to see and do on your travels and connect with others users who have similar interests. Diddit helps you find potentially new things to add to your travel itinerary and connect with other like-minded travelers.

I recently got to try out Diddit and think it’s got some great benefits for travelers.

No New Account Required

One thing that makes Diddit stand out against similar online services (see my TripSay preview)  is that it integrates with your existing Facebook account so you don’t need to sign up to yet another Internet website. You can post the items you’ve checked off as done (“diddits”) and (“wanna dos” ) directly to your Facebook or Twitter page.

Get Specific In Each City

Diddit doesn’t create map of travel recommendations but will provide you with specific places to eat, sights to see, and other categories like arts and culture. (If you’re looking to create a customized travel map try TravBuddy). You can also create and add other experiences not that haven’t been added yet. Diddit is in alpha and it’s lacking a large number of options, especially in cities outside of the US but the list will grow if its userbase does.

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diddit city page

Travelers can also rate their “diddits” and leave reviews or other tips for other people to browse through. Diddit is an open site and you can freely browse around without having to create an account.

Connect With Other Travelers

As you accumulate things you’ve done Diddit will begin to show you a pool of other uses who have  done or want to do some of the things you’ve checked. You can ask others for their personal advice, give some of your own, and add them to your friend list. This feature could be a good way for you fellow travel bloggers to connect with more people and build a successful travel blog.

A Few Other Features

  • Guilty pleasures – Add some of your party adventures, including drinking and smoking, to your Diddit list.
  • Widgets for your blog or website – Let your users click relevant “diddits” from your pages.
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Some of the other features I’d like to see are a live chat window and more Twitter integration to allow faster communication between your friends or other people following the same pages. Diddit is very intuitive and the quick process of clicking “diddits” and “wanna dos” can be quite addictive and worth a few minutes to check out.

On Diddit already or on another social networking site geared towards travelers – or are you done with any new networking sites? Personally, it would take a lot for me to join a web service that didn’t integrate into one of the big online services like my Facebook or my Twitter account.