underground guide to volunteering abroadKirsty Henderson has volunteered around the world and written The Underground Guide To International Volunteering to help you learn how to do the same. You can make volunteering a small part of your next vacation or plan an entire trip around it and her eBook shows you how. Kirsty is donating 50% of the proceeds to Hands On Disaster Response and I’ll buy a copy for the first person to comment here.

The path to volunteering abroad as part of your travels can be a daunting one to start out on. There are plenty of opportunities, but the Internet is full of options from disaster assistance to fee-based programs and it can all be confusing enough to discourage most people from trying it. The Underground Guide To International Volunteering, written by Kirsty Henderson, is an eBook that efficiently breaks down the major areas of volunteering abroad.

Who Is This eBook For?

The Underground Guide To International Volunteering is a great eBook if you want to spend some time abroad or part of your next trip volunteering but have no clue where to start. Kirsty has participated in volunteer work in China, Bangladesh, and Haiti (among other places) and complied the 63-page guide based on her experience. Also in the eBook are interviews with other people who’ve volunteered through various programs to cover the ones she’s not as familiar with.

The Pirates Of Somalia Is A Great Travel Book, Lackluster Movie

You Can Volunteer Abroad

nerdy nomadFor most people, the idea of volunteering abroad is appealing, but one that seems to require a great deal of effort, and many weeks off from work in terrible conditions. One point that The Underground Guide To International Volunteering drives home is that there is a volunteer program for everyone who wants to give back on their next trip. The book doesn’t dwell too long on any one topic but points you to the right resources to started.

  • You’ll end up not only saving time doing extensive Google searches by reading The Underground Guide To International Volunteering, but learn how to discern disreputable organizations and ask the right questions.

The Underground Guide To International Volunteering also covers some other basic questions like why some programs require you to pay to volunteer, what kind of work to expect, and some of the common visa requirements.

The Pirates Of Somalia Is A Great Travel Book, Lackluster Movie

Purchasing The Underground Guide To International Volunteering

Kirsty has also written 9 reasons to volunteer on your next trip and The Underground Guide To International Volunteering will get you well on your way. It’s a very useful read if you’re at all interested in making volunteering a part of your travels.

The eBook costs $14 with 50% ($7) going to Kirsty’s favorite volunteering organization Hands On Disaster Response. You can purchase The Underground Guide To International Volunteering here or find out more information on Kirsty’s website, Nerdy Nomad.