The path to this year’s remaining 8 cities in The Best City to Visit 2012 Travel Tournament has been a wild one. I don’t think many of us would have predicted this Elite 8 when the tournament began a little over 2 weeks ago. In the last round we saw Fethiye literally claw its way to a win against a strong effort by Barcelona; now set to face a quiet Kuala Lumpur. Guimaraes again slips by another round to survive and Marrakesh knocks off New York City. And Porto, last year’s champion was eliminated so now we’re set for a new city to win 2012. You have 2 days to select the Final Four, which cities will remain?
Voting in the Elite 8 will be open until 6am US EST this Sunday, March 18th. Results may not appear after you vote so check back throughout the day and I’ll post updates in the comments below. Those of you reading through email and RSS will have to click-through to this page to vote.
Please keep in mind the final votes for any poll aren’t final until they’re verified by my diligent verification team. The Final Four – and second to last round of the tournament – will begin again this Tuesday, March 20th. Best of luck to everyone!
How are three Turkish cities still alive??? I guess that is the Best Country to Visit in 2012 isn’t it?
The Turks, Portuguese, and Sarajevo supporters have put together strong campaigns! I think the Sarajevo vote certainly helps the Turkish cities as there seems to be mutual support there; but now that Izmir is up against Sarajevo, it’s a tough, tough race indeed.
Well spotted, Skott! Even if the battle of the cities is lost, there’s the big, beautiful country of Turkey awaiting your exploration. 😉 Struggling to feel optimism for Izmir at the moment though and Fethiye will struggle, too I predict. But we shall fight on. A little breather would have been nice Anil! Hard to get going again after a night out! 🙂
I know it’s been a race without many breaks this year! The calendar was especially tight this time and the competition is keeping the pressure high!
I can c y Istanbul is still on, there isnt a place from Istanbul group Id rather visit, its rly rly beautiful.
I havent been to Izmir yet but I cant believe anyone would vote it over Dubrovnik. Sarajevo and Dubrovnik wud be a nice combination to visit together, they re just 3 hours away from each other.
Vote for Guimarães, the European Capital of Culture in 2012 and World Heritage by UNESCO! 🙂
Good luck!
Always there for Guimarães!!!!/events/314387558616393/
Why all the love for Turkey? I’ve never been so I can’t do much voting!
But you’re welcome to Guimarães if you have never been there! 🙂
I’d say visit both! Though I suspect eventually you will 🙂
Turkey supporters have been online in support of their cities – as have the Portuguese; but each of these 8 are an amazing group with lots of loyal travel fans.
Now every single Spanish city has been wiped out… All our suport to our neighbours! Go Portugal!
Nothing else to expect from nuestros hermanos 😀
Thank you for that support 🙂 You’re welcome to visit Guimarães 🙂
We wouldn’t expect anything else from nuestros hermanos!! 😀
…Votez Guimarães, Ville Européenne Culture 2012, profitez pour nous faire une visite, vous serais les bienvennus à notre ville, merci.
can we get the latest results? I really wonder how is Sarajevo doing in this round… I am sad that my favorite, Prague, got eliminated, but now I will stick with Sarajevo and London 🙂
I’ll update right now below this comment 🙂
Everyone. here’s the latest:
Fethiye-Kuala Lumpur: Fethiye leading
Istanbul-Marrakesh: Istanbul leading
Guimaraes-London: Guimaraes leading
Sarajevo-Izmir: Sarajevo slight lead
I’ll try to keep the updates coming and get live results up later in the day!
Stay strong SARAJEVO! 🙂
Glad to see that Guimarães is leading, although it’s still early to celebrate 🙂 hope to continue this way 🙂
Go Guimarães! Beautiful city with Beautiful people! 😀
Any updates ???
Current results are now live above!
I find it quite interesting that Sarajevo is doing well. It truly is an amazing city and it definitely deserves to be in the spot light as a great city to visit.
Sarajevo is also nominated for the European capital of culture in 2014:
Im sad about Prague, but since I love Portugal and its people, I hope for Sarajevo-Guimares in the final. This would give the tournamnet a more original character, not just focusing on the cliche & touristy “big cities”.
Good luck to everyone!
Thank you for your support, but in the meanwhile Guimarães is the Capital of Culture in 2012 🙂 Hope you can visit us 😉
I love it! Finals predictions, and that would be a very interesting one…the road to the Championship will be fun to watch. Good luck everyone!
Francisco, I seriously will consider Guimarães this year! I was actually in Sarajevo in January, thats why im excited about the city. So it fits good with a new influence from Portugal, even though my favorite city in Portugal so far is Obidos, Im ready for Guimarães! 🙂
The most wonderful, beautiful and amzing city of all planet: Guimarães! Visit Us!!
I think this idea is brill. and im proud of Guimaraes and its people, world heritage 4 over 10 years now, beeing the European Capital of Culture 2012, surely deserves a visit, great times,weather, food, wines, traditions, and beauty os this town is just over the top…come around a see us, and have a dreat time…anyway. making it this faar deserves a visit from yourselfs already… GUIMARAES -BIRTH CITY OF PORTUGAL; EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE 2012 WORLD HERITAGE 2001; IS THERE ANY DOUBTS? HOPE YOU WELL AND SEE AROUND HERE SOON…VOTE FOR GUIMARAES…
Thank you Marco, glad you are enjoying this year’s tournament, good luck!
Pls an update
Update coming now…
please make an update
Everyone, here’s the latest:
Fethiye-Kuala Lumpur: Fethiye 2% lead
Istanbul-Marrakesh: Istanbul strong lead
Guimaraes-London: Guimaraes strong lead
Sarajevo-Izmir: Sarajevo strong lead
I’ll try to do one more update before the live results are posted.
Guimarães is definitely the best destination in 2012 🙂
I’m so proud of Guimarães! A city where its inhabitants are proud to live, it was declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO, and also the cradle of Portuguese Nationality. Guimarães is the European Capital of Culture 2012, please come visit us to make part of this great party. This is really the motto of the Capital of Culture: “You are a part of it”.
For details of the events:
Wow! A lot of support now going into the Final Four, which unless something crazy happens looks like it will be in 1 hour…
Go, Sarajevo, go! 🙂
Sarajevo..the best.. most beautiful.. and a true winner
Best City on the World!!!
SARAJEVO – City of Heroes !
istanbul problaly best culture city on the world,i going to visit it
i hope so sarajevo will win, i would like vusit kuala lumpur,london,and in portugal,in istambul i live now and i am not so happy,and i miss sarajevo i will go again
Guimarães is definitely the best destination in 2012
Sarajevo is the one of the most beautifull cities in the whole world!! small city with many cultures and humans with a big heart!! There is many other reasons just to come to visit Sarajevo!! I haven´t been in other cities yet, except Istanbul, also beautifull destination for tourists!! All in all.. vote for Sarajevo <3 Sarajevo :))
haha, I think at least 4,000 people are listening!
Guimarães is definitely an excellent destination in 2012 – it is an UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2001, the European Capital of Culture 2012 – surely deserves a visit, culture, history, great times, weather, food, wines, traditions….
Sarajevo :O magic (Y)
Promotional video of Guimarães 2012 European Capital of Culture
it looks like Istanbul and Sarajevo will confront in the final :))
not so sure about that one, Guimares had far more votes then Istanbul in this round. even tough I would also rather see Istanbul in the final then Guimares, but on the other hand if we win it could be like a payback for what Christiano Ronaldo did to us in Portugal 😛
It will be very interesting to see. Votes tend to shift quite a bit from round to round as cities get eliminated and anything for any of these final four is possible 🙂 Looking forward to tomorrow!
How can I vote?
You need to go to the latest round! You’ve still got time:
I was in sarajevo many times since the 80’s its an amazing city , and i covered the conflict during the seige of Sarajevo.
It’s amazing to see how the city is recovering and rebuilding…. It’s an exeptional ambiance in the air…. Hope that Sarajevo will have the previlege to be nominated…. It deserve it… The cultural & historical heritage is very rich …
Sarajevo ! Magic City !