I though of this the other day…

Last year I wrote an email to the US Postal Service to find out whether or not they delivered mail even during the days right after Hurricane Katrina struck the New Orleans area. (Unfortunately it was destroyed in my computer crash last winter…someone aka. me forgot to back up that night).

Anyway, here is the answer.

  • The USPS does not deliver under conditions that may endanger the life of a postal worker.
  • The USPS does NOT have a motto, although each branch may have an inscription – the most famous being the one found on the New York General Post Office
    • Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.

There is a little bit of trivia for you. I wrote to the USPS last year and got a prompt response but if you have any questions for these types of organizations an email can usually answer your question. I do from time to time.

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