Time is short – today is my last day in town. I’ve been taking notes and have blogs de jour for everyone when I get back. Right now I am sitting in an Intenet Cafe in Burdur, Turkey. Just had an all-you-can eat breakfast and now enjoying some coffee and second hand smoke.

I’ll save many of the details for later, but must say that after a difficult past month I am very glad that I did this. It had been a goal of mine since I was little and I’ve met many people here that have given me quite an interesting outlook and clarity about things in life.

As much bitching and complaining I did – I wouldn’t take it back for the world.

Oh, and I totally got completely screamed at the other night – got to almost get my ass kicked by some authority figure before I left. haha – great stories to come…

foXnoMad 10 Year Challenge

Know that all is well and that I’ve got all of my limbs and life. We get let out at 8am tomorrow with my bus to Ankara leaving at 2pm (about a 6 hours trip). We are 7 hours ahead of US Eastern Standard Time for those of you counting.

Can’t wait for some food and beer tomorrow night. The 23rd is the end of Ramazan and a 3 day holiday – my first “bayram” (holiday) in Turkey in a very long time. Gald to hear from all of you and hope that the site has kept you entertained and informed over the past few weeks. Many live updates to come – and keep writing and commenting! It’s been great hearing from everyone.

A bientot,